Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kitchen Talk

You can tell a lot about a woman from the goodies in her kitchen. My whole kitchen exploits my personality. The decor, layout, contents, and most definitely the details in my fridge and cabinets. If I plan ahead, guilty pleasures, and if I experiment. It would be fun to gather different staples into columns and put everyone in a category but since we are women which makes us naturally complicated, I won't go there. :)

My kitchen dominates most of my time and is my favorite room in the apartment. I love cooking and baking. It is soothing and makes me feel confident. It extenuates the natural servant and nurturer in me where I naturally find self satisfaction. In my kitchen I am the author, planner, and performer.  All three aspirations that may only go as far as the kitchen!  I hope whatever comes out of my kitchen will satisfy a sweet tooth, brighten someone's day, or if you are my husband, bring laughter.

I like all of my great gadgets exposed. My pots and pans hang proudly, my kitchen aid mixer never leaves the counter, and even if it's not currently being used I always have a cookbook open on the counter. This may mean I like to put on a good show?!  I am a performer after all! Or it means I'm lazy and find no need to put them away after every use.   Yeah, that's it.

98% of the time I have a bag of semi-sweet morsels in the cupboard.  You just never know what the day will bring.  Ladies, it is essential that we all have a bag of morsels on hand.  It has been known to transform my whole day. :)

I currently have 4 bags of flour.  Why?!  I'm the type when the recipes calls for an ingredient I must have that exact ingredient.  No substitutes.  Now I will admit I have gotten much better about this since marrying Aaron.  This definitely relates to the "type A I have a hard time adapting to change and just stick to the rules" woman in me.

Lastly, I almost always have at least one item in my fridge that is past the expiration date. I just can't throw away food. I feel guilty and I always think of the starving children. Aaron reminds me that they couldn't eat it anyway because it's nearly rotten. This means I'm over sensitive and I have hoarding tendencies BECAUSE I'm over sensitive. I think I have every card anyone has ever given me. I cry at the sight of someone sitting alone in a restaurant or any google commercial when the dad writes a letter to his daughter. I'm over sensitive. That's all you really need to know about my rotten food.

 Thank the Lord cilantro or green onions have no feelings.  I'd be done for.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Financial Peace

Who REALLY has financial peace?!  Money is always a touchy subject.  It's one of the leading causes of divorce today.  Credit cards are so easy to accrue and student loans seem endless.  It overwhelms me to imagine our income vs. everyday costs.  Life is expensive!  So often couples enter marriage without a financial plan and doubling the income as a result of marriage gives a false sense of wealth. 
We decided to participate in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace in January and we are loving it!  We enjoyed the first year of marriage and had no financial problems other than we didn't have a plan.  We weren't thinking about kids, college, emergency funds, or retirement.  I don't regret it.  It was a blissful first year. :)
We have now established a financial plan and it has been such a burden lifted off of our shoulders.  I have learned so much in just the first month.  I do have self discipline! :)  I have realized the difference between what I really NEED and what I WANT.  There are very few things I need.  I now truly enjoy and appreciate any extra cup of coffee or a night out with the girls.  Who knew money had such a stronghold in our lives?!  We often judge others on their financial status.  Many arguments stem from money talks.  Self discipline exposes it's weakness at the sight of the "perfect" dress. 
The Lord gives us money to live.  It was never intended to initiate any anxiety, stress, or be used as a weapon.  God is honored when we hold our materials lightly.  Last week I really wanted to buy coconut oil to add to my oil collection.  I love trying different oils in the kitchen.  It was pretty expensive so I opted to wait until it fit into our grocery budget next month knowing that it was a want and not a need.  The next morning I went to put on my winter coat and found $10 cash in my pocket.  That same day I found a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble that I had planned to toss because I thought the card was empty.  I was able to buy the coconut oil and the perfect gift for my friend, Sarah's birthday that was also a bit over my budget.  I just knew in both of those moments God was blessing me.  I didn't need either of those things but he saw our hearts and knew our intention of being financially free.  We want to be free of anything that will hinder or take the place of our relationship with Him!  


Friday, February 17, 2012

Color me Bold

Boldness is something I work on daily.  It doesn't come naturally.  I am often the first one to back down in situations requiring a strong opinion or the first to say I'm sorry just to smooth situations over.  I have serious jealously over people that have an easy time speaking their mind or standing up for what they believe in in difficult moments. 

So often I have perceived boldness as rudeness.  If you tell someone how you really feel you might hurt their feelings. You might not be friends after the conversation.  You might see the situation differently.  You might make a fool of yourself because you might be wrong.  More often than not my mights veer towards a more positive result than I anticipate.  If they don't then it was probably for the best anyway. 
I just happened to marry a very bold man.  Aaron sees a situation at hand and very seldom fears addressing an issue.  I, on the other hand stew, deny, and avoid any situation that might require boldness.  He definitely inspires a more bold me.  :)

As I get older I see that boldness is a healthy, encouraging trait if you speak in truth and love.  Boldness is intertwined with accountability.  When I act a fool I appreciate when my husband speaks to me boldly.  It hurts sometimes but there is no growth in him sugar coating my actions or words.  This issue has been on the forefront of my mind for a while so I decided  to represent in an outward action as I move forward in boldness emotionally and spiritually. 

I cut my hair.  I know, I know.  It's not that big of a deal to some but I tend to get comfortable very easily.  I went for it and it felt good.  I felt bold when I walked into the salon.  I said what I wanted and I didn't look back.  Here it is! ------------------------------------>

This morning in my yoga class during our cool down my teacher told us to imagine your body a color.  Spread it to all parts of your mind and body.  Yellow was the first color to come to my mind.  Then I thought forget yellow, color me bold!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Mine

Tonight my husband's putting his cooking skills to work in the kitchen.  We're having farfalle (fancy for bowtie) pasta with chicken and asparagus in vodka sauce accompanied by salad and red wine.  My mouth is currently watering so I'll make this short and sweet.  Here's my card from Aaron.  So appropriate and too cute. Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Initial Inspiration

Blogging is genius.  I've realized many express more easily through writing rather than actual speech.  When we write we have time to collect our thoughts.  I know often when I start to speak my mind is jumbled and then I concentrate on how jumbled my mind has become.  I have found myself exploring blogs and enjoying them.  They have become an artistic, real playground through words and I've fallen in love. 
I'm jumping on the bandwagon.  I don't have a theme.  I'm not uniquely creative or makeup my own recipes but everyone has something to offer.  I'm here to offer something that I don't know that I have...yet. :) 

 Recent musings...

I have been listening to the Regina Spektor station on Pandora and it instantly makes me feel like I'm the single, spontaneous ingenue in the latest chick flick just around the corner from meeting the man of my dreams at any moment.  I feel whimsical and captivated.  Check it out!  It's free!

I love to read.  I am currently reading Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot.  Each page has so much application.  Her husband was one of the five missionary men who was martyred by the Auca tribe in the jungles of Ecuador.  Nate Saint, the pilot of the group stated a beautiful spiritual illustration:

"When life's flight is over, and we unload our cargo at the other end, the fellow who got rid of unnecessary weight will have the most valuable cargo to the present to the Lord."  

The weight of this statement is overwhelming to me.  The tangible things of this world are fleeting.  Here one minute gone the next.  No matter how great or strong they are at first.  What a reminder that nothing of this world needs to resonate with more power than the love the Lord has given us.  Aaron and I have been doing our best living more simply knowing that nothing we hold in our hands weighs against our relationships, investment in travel to see more of God's people, and using our talents to the best of our abilities.  I suppose this was my initial inspiration to blog and share.  Thoughts, musings, and real feelings are intangible and I'm yearning to embrace them more.   
