Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rookie Wife {I said the same, in different words}

First, watch this video. Don't worry. It's short. :)

"What did you write on my sign?"
"I wrote the same, just in different words."

I can't tell you how many arguments we have had that have included the phrase, "it's not what you said, it's how you said it."

Wives that watch their tone, attitude and intention can afford to be honest. Her honesty is appreciated in her home because it comes from a place of love. Many times I have wanted to word vomit in moments of suffocating frustration but I knew anything I verbalized would be intended for hurt. It's not what I wanted to speak up about, it's HOW I wanted to speak.

Don't you just love that video? The first time I saw it I was like, "What did she write? What did she write!" And I cried. Big surprise.

I really think it speaks for itself.
Does HOW you speak to your husband portray bitterness? Anger? Understanding? Grace? Does it show in the words themselves?

It's healthy to address the hard stuff. Correction! It's not healthy, it's necessary. Money, sex, family, the list goes on and on. All are sensitive subjects and deserve well orchestrated thoughts. Think twice about HOW you talk about your husband's mama. :)

When the road gets rocky and words aren't warranted remember Rookie Wife's mantra.
"It is my job to love my husband. It is God's job to make him a good man."

If you speak up remember, "it's not what you say, it's how you say it."

Well, sometimes it's what you say. More on that later. ;)

Love, Nicole

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rookie Wife {the Grass is Greener syndrome aka GIGS}

I'm a healthy gal. Weighing in at ____, blood pressure lookin' good and all my buttons are workin'.
But I have been diagnosed with 'the grass is greener' syndrome. This is a self proclaimed prognosis but I'm 110% sure it's made me sick.
It's really awesome. And by awesome, I mean discouraging and degrading, silly and numbing.

The worst part is when it steals my joy. When I've suddenly become ungrateful for this beautiful life I lead. When I begin to dislike myself and don't even know why.
I'm sure none of you know what I'm talking about so I'll enlighten you. :)

We admire others relationships, materials, physical attributes and raw talents to the point of jealousy. Jealousy quickly transforms into lust or idolatry. It's sneaky that way. Soon you've caught GIGS before you can say, "if only I had her legs."

It hurts my pride to tell you that this jealousy runs through my blood consistently. (Insert cringe and the insanely strong urge to push delete.)

 Why?! How do we handle it?! How does GIGS affect our marriage?!

I feel like a broken record but I'll say it again. We are broken people. We are will remain sinful by nature. We must be intentional about appreciating and support others' God-given traits and talents and most importantly accepting we do not all have the same gifts. Especially our men.

I can't sew. Why do I insist on pinning sewing projects on pinterest? I'm not a hair girl. I'm just not. I run, but I'm not fast. I love photos but will never be a professional photographer. I'm a singer but have stage fright. I love to decorate but can't think of a single unique idea without help.
I love to cook but must have a recipe. I can't draw. I am organized.
I'm positive. I'm fickle when I have to make big decisions. I'm loyal. I'm super sensitive and most of the time I HATE it. I would love a more bold personality. I am missing two teeth. It's true, just wasn't born with 'em. I'm not proud of everything I've ever done. I like my upper body more than my lower body. I yearn to change the world and be a mom. I plan to the point of forgetting to enjoy the present.

This is me. This is exactly who I was designed to be. Your husband is designed differently but just as beautiful. As well as your friends, co-workers, random girl at Starbucks...

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart ..." Jeremiah 1:5
You are on purpose. All of the quinks, korks, not-ideal attributes are what made your husband fall in love with you in first place.Your friends find them amusing and your parents think they're cute.

If after reading this you've realized you too might have GIGS, I'm sorry. :)
Let us appreciate others gifts around us instead of seeing them as threatening.
Be in a community with others that don't share the same gifts, it makes life more fun.
Isn't that what marriage entails?! Being in constant union with someone that offers complimentary gifts to yours? Appreciate. Encourage. Embrace. Laugh. Shrug. Love.

On a daily basis remind yourself that ..."[I] am fearfully and wonderfully made"...Psalm 139:14

The most peaceful people I have met are comfortable with the talent they have been given and give praise to the One who made them.

Love, Nicole

P.S. I encourage you to make your own jumbled list of what you love and don't love about yourself. Write them down. Smile about them and let them go. Share them here or rip it up. :)
He loves those things about you!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rookie Wife {the D word}

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Easy, right?!

In moments of annoyance or anger this seems like foolish talk. It's exactly what you don’t want to hear. 
I’m really good at holding my tongue in moments of anger resulting in my true feelings remaining a mystery to my husband and me not feeling resolution. I get to the close of our discussion and what I really meant never made its way out. 

Some of you rookie wives find holding your tongue an impossible victory spewing every good, bad and ugly thought that crosses your mind. Neither is the better problem to have. :)
One word I never let slip my tongue is the D word. Divorce.
The word contains heavy hints of mistrust, bitterness and pain even if you really don’t mean it. Especially if you don't mean it.
It threatens and divides. It just plain hurts. We decided never to say it in our house. If we said it, it would be the real deal.

We don't avoid the word because of denial or live ignorantly that our relationship is immune to divorce. We are human. We are broken. We are not above any sin. We don't allow the word to be tossed around in order to remain intentional about our commitment to each other. We're in it for the long haul.

Many of us have been exposed to arguments we "didn't mean." Have you ever told your mother you didn't ever want to speak to her again?! Told your brother he was stupid and selfish?!
I'm so guilty. Again.
I would venture to say many of us have said things we didn't mean. Immediately leaving our mouth we knew the hurt it would cause, knowing we would return with an apology while simultaneously shoving a foot in our mouth.

Words are beautiful. Words hurt. Words can save a life. Words can break a heart in two. Words create imprints, memories, battle wounds and those don't just vanish.

You may have other words, phrases or subjects that are off limits in your moments of controlled rage.:)
Before you word vomit think of that imprint, that memory or that battle wound it may bring to the surface or worse, create.

"For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart." Matthew 12:34
Does your speech reflect what's on your heart? Is it all criticism? Are you honest? 
Your words matter.

Think before you speak.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
in it for the long haul, baby!
Praise him for the good he does with your words. Keep the rest to yourself. :P
Remember, Rookie wife's mantra?!

Much love,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Rookie Wife {Girlfriends}

 "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God." Ruth 1:16

This verse is most commonly used in wedding ceremonies and permanently etched in wedding bands. The commitment and trust embedded in the words are more than beautiful. 
Would you be surprised to know this was spoken from a woman to a woman?!

The realization that this statement of love was exchanged between women intertwined with the simplistic beauty of the text spoke to me. It suddenly redefined the word friendship.

I recently heard a radio interview with a woman who wrote a book on women and their friendships. According to research, there is an increase in depression in women and this author's platform argued that the rise in depression could be related to the deterioration in relationships between women.
I would most definitely agree.

Back in the day women did much more together than we do today. They cooked, cleaned, delivered each other babies, mentored each other and even raised each others kids. Our culture has evolved in many positive ways that doesn't have us rely on eachother in such a heavy way. Although, maybe needing other women maintains and satisfies certain needs where we are constantly feeling empty.

The business and mobility of our culture lessens our need for women.
Unfortunately, business and mobility doesn't change the emotional needs of women. We are still the same women who need other women. 

A woman and her friendships are crucial. Our husbands were never meant to fully satisfy our emotional needs. They satisfy needs yes, but there are certain emotional qualities that only other women can empathize.

When I say friendship I mean those who will speak to you honestly in love. Girls who you trust with your intimate thoughts regarding spirituality, personal and relational issues. Those who will keep you accountable but show you grace. Those who exaggerate your unique personality and inspire you.

Would you say this to those you consider your very best friends?!
"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God." Ruth 1:16

You should be as picky at choosing your friends as you were at picking your husband.

Great girlfriends can truly enhance your marriage.  They can give perspective, show empathy and relate in a way that really your husband just wasn't built for. The shopping, margarita madness and movie nights with your girls without a doubt are soothing for the soul. :) Adventures are so much sweeter shared with women who you love and cherish.
Hollaaa to Pam. She's one of my best friends in spite of being in a different country. :)

Shout out to my best friends. I love you all. You encourage me in my marriage, exaggerate my personality and inspire me to live out loud no matter the distance between us.


Friday, July 27, 2012

He took me out to the ball game.

Uno margarita to get the night started!

The most expensive beer ever. BUT we now have a new collection of cups.

Reminds me of my was life.

Mr. D and his sunflower seeds at the game!

Beautiful, HOT day!

The boomstick!

It was terrible. No one wanted to eat it.

The lady and Mr. D


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rookie Wife {I love you, you're perfect, now change}

Admittedly these thoughts have crossed my mind:
"I'm so good for him."
"I'm going to really help in _______ area of his life."
"He'll see __________ in me and will want to do better at ___________."
Don't we all love to hear, "He has changed so much since you two got together."

OR better yet:
"Once we get married _____________ will be easier."(My favorite insert here is communication.  It really makes me laugh.)
"Over time ___________ will get better."

Yes, clearly I think I'm awesome.
Thank you Lord for grace because I realize daily I'm not even close.

All of these thoughts pointed to one idea: so often we as women have the savior syndrome.  We feel like we can make things better.  Most of us hold a natural urge to nurture and an intuitive teacher spirit.  We turn into Mrs. Fix-it in the relationship department.  This is often why women stay with the wrong men too long.  We are insistent we are good for them.  If we change the circumstances things will quickly get better.  We can inspire, influence or change them.

Many brides go into marriage with a few conscious or subconscious ideas of some changes they want to see either in their grooms or in their marriage.  Of course, marriage is a growing relationship.  You will grow and learn together but expecting a quick change in character or a foundation issue will be disappointing.  It takes time.  Realistically, it may be something that will never change.

"I'm going to really help in the financial area of his life."
"He'll see my love for my family and will want to do better at loving his family."
"Once we get married communication will be easier." (I'm guilty!)
"Over time the drinking will get better."

What are some character traits or issues that you have held onto in your mind expecting a change??
Is it a difference in him or your own self reflection that is most needed to make things better?! 

Have you had an issue that you expected to get better over time but didn't?
Is it an issue worth talking through with your man??

It may be an issue God is working on in his heart and you are meant to stand by his side as a supportive rookie wife. :) Just sayin'.

If it's not an issue you feel like you need to deal with in this season of your lives consider letting them go.

I have seen many amazing aspects in my husband and our relationship that have grown since being married.  Guess what?! I'm really not solely responsible for any of them. Or if I was, it was all unintentional by God's work in my own heart.  Okay, so maybe I am good for him.  Maybe some acts I do affect him, inspire him or occasionally change him.  Remember Rookie Wife's mantra. My job is to love my husband. It is God's job to make him a better man.
Mr. D!  What I wouldn't do for this man!!

We couldn't live without them, ladies!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Coming Soon...Rookie Wife Wednesdays!

Welcome to my new Rookie Wife posts.

Many times we feel like we are the only ones having newly wed fits, fights or times of discouragement because no one posts on facebook, "my marriage sucks today."  I'm sort of giggling to myself trying to imagine someone actually posting that so bluntly.
PLEASE, I'm not encouraging you to spill your guts on facebook and I'm not here to spill mine.  I want this to be encouraging and relatable.  Real life.  Thoughts from a real sometimes-I-don't-like-you-but-I'll-always-love-you wife. :)

I spend a lot of time thinking, praying and talking about how to become a more servant natured, bold and loving wife.  It's an intimate relationship and it's not always easy or natural to feel servant hearted, strong or loving.

This is my attempt at being real with all of you new wifeys out there.  Some ideas to make your role as a wife fun.  You can relate, think my thoughts are only for the hopeless romantic or join me in living intentionally to do your part in maintaining a joyful marriage.

Four things to keep in mind if you want to follow this Rookie Wife.

I am a rookie aka novice, beginner, etc.  I've been married for a little over 2 years and this is only my experience. I do not know everything (eh hem...anything).  I welcome input from veterans along the way! :)

Please allow me to change my mind!  I so often feel strongly one way and find through experience I was wrong.  I am laying my pride down now and warning you that I may come back and change my fickle mind.  Be gracious! :)

I love my groom.  No family or friend should be seriously concerned! tehe
I want any woman to relate with occasional feelings of insecurity, doubt or even discouragement, newly wed or veteran!

Before I was married I heard this saying and I say it to myself once everyday.
"It is my job to love my husband. It is God's job to make him a good man."

This is all pointed toward the ladies which means it's one sided.  We can only fashion ourselves. Remember the mantra?! :) Personal reflection will make marriage more enjoyable for you and by God's grace will create a more intimate union between you and your man.  We want to exaggerate the awesome woman that he fell in love with in the first place. :)

I'm excited to share thoughts, ramblings and possibly deliver some laughs. :)

See you Wednesday!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Good to be back!

Friends, how I have missed you!  If I would have kept up with my blogging in the past few months this is what I would have said...

In May I would have told you about how my brother graduated from the Air Force Academy and how wonderful it was to share the end of the chapter with him.  He has grown so much as man in these past few years and I felt overwhelmed with pride as he crossed the stage shaking the President's hand.  
Lesson learned:  family is forever.
A Lady and her brother, the Officer!

In June I would have bragged about my schedule and went on and on about how having my husband home during the day was a dream.  I picked up a few extra summer hobbies and took naps everyday.  Yes, everyday.  My beloved and I celebrated 2 years of marriage.  Times flies when you're... working hard. :)  Times also flies when you're having fun.  As I reflected on marriage I saw the good times and bad realizing this union takes work and no marriage is a good marriage without investment of time and intentional grace. 
Lesson learned:  Good marriages are lifetime investments and we can't ever give less than what we want out of it.
My beloved and I on our 2nd anniversary!

Here I am in July, 100 degrees and soaking in my last few weeks of this super easy summer schedule.  My newest adventure is photography.  No, I am not trying to become a photographer like everyone else in this world.  No offense, photographers! :)  I'm not that gifted.  I just want to be able to take good quality pictures to capture my memories.  I myself have a terrible memory so I told myself before I have kids I will learn the technique of a DSLR camera.  And good news, I have had a break through!!  I am shooting with a Nikon D3000 and I have made it to shooting in manual.  This is big, people!!  DSLR's can be awesome but if you don't really know the in's and out's what's the point of the fancy with all those iphone app's these days?!?!
Here are a few shots I got this weekend.  Sooooo much better than I have ever done before. 
P.S. You may be wondering why I get the credit when I was in the pictures and couldn't have shot them....I at least figured out the setting in MANUAL before giving it to the shooter.  That gives me cred, right?!
Lesson learned:  Never give up!  You can always learn new tricks!

Good to be back!

Lesson learned:  It's okay to take breaks every once in a while. :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Poor in Spirit

After a few light hearted posts I thought I would lay some heavier thoughts on all you lovely readers. :)

This current season in my life has been trying yet beautiful.  I'm slowly gaining a greater knowledge of grace and all that it entails.  All I know about grace is that God gives it everyday and I'm now accepting it as a child, without reservation and guiltless gratitude.  I feel so often I must come to the Lord already put together perfectly having figured out my purpose, mastered the ability to love others as myself, and created a selfless life to be admired.  We wouldn't need a God if we could do all of that on our own.  Grace, so much grace.

I am reading The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning and it's words are speaking with conviction and clarity.  It shares the not-so-new-yet-valuable idea of becoming poor in spirit.  At first glance we wonder why anyone would want to live in any sort of poverty. 

"Awareness of our poverty and ineptitude cause us to rejoice in the gift of being called out of darkness into wondrous light and translated into the kingdom of God's beloved son." 

Poverty in a worldly sense creates a humble spirit.  I have seldom met a poor person with an ego.  It introduces a simple life void of meaningless items that we forget we have and collect dust in our closets.  It creates a heart of gratitude for the small things and more compassion to give to those who share in this poverty. 
Poverty in a spiritual sense is knowing our lack of goodness and flawed existence.  Poor in spirit is acknowledging this state and accepting the grace without feeling the need to prepare to be accepted.  We are accepted just as we come.

We are to become poor in spirit but where to go from there?
"...the disciple who is truly poor in spirit always leaves the other person feeling, My life has been enriched by talking to you.  This is neither false modesty nor phony humility.  His or her life has been enriched and graced.  He is not all exhaust and no intake.  She does not impose herself on others.  He listens well because he knows he has so much to learn from others.  Her spiritual poverty enables her to enter the world of the other, even when she cannot identify with that world.  The poor in spirit are the most nonjudgmental of peoples... "

We become poor in spirit to fully love those around us.  To pass on the compassion that we received by grace so that may love at all.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

DIY Fabric Peonies

I would consider myself a homemaker at heart.  I love having projects involving creativity that will make my home more comfortable and beautiful.  Since Mother's day is coming I thought I would get a head start on some ideas.  I now know what I'm going to create but for fear one of my mother's may read this I'm not going to share. :)  Although, I did make an embellishment as a gift topper I found from one of my favorite blogs.  Check it out here. I spent a total of $1.28 for this goodie and I have enough fabric and string to make 5 to 7 more!
You could even put this on a headband, make it a broach, a gift topper, or combine it with others as a centerpiece to liven up a room.  Speaking of needing to bring a room alive.
This is my next project:

It's ok, you can say it.  This is boring.  Everything is hand-me-down (which I love) and the lampstand was a steal at Wisteria because it has no shade and no appliances to connect the shade to it.  Don't even ask me how long it has been like this.  It's embarrassing.  I can't wait to show you the makeover to be done on such a blah space.

Happy Wednesday,

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Easter encourages so much reflection.  The weekend was full of sweet time spent with family and an opportunity to reflect on how good our God is.  I'm a bit late but here are some highlights of the weekend.

My first ham!

Mom's homemade strawberry cake with strawberries picked by her own hands!

Cadbury eggs = my favorite Easter treat

Dad's typical state past 12pm

Joyful mom

Handsome husband

What's Easter without deviled eggs?
I hope everyone enjoyed Easter.  May is just around the corner. ;)


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy 26th Anniversary!

Mom, Dad and me enjoying my first Christmas
My parents have been married for 26 years today.  Now that I am married my appreciation of their commitment to our family has intensified.  I feel so lucky to be a daughter to such a selfless couple so abundant in love.  They encouraged me to laugh, instilled self confidence and covered me in love everyday.  Most of this was done without words.  My mom's thoughtfulness taught me the importance of community and the significance of the small things in life.  My dad's sense of humor and kind heart encouraged me never to take life too seriously and the ability to love others as you love yourself.

My parents union of marriage has exaggerated their natural gifts and made them a powerful team.  I enjoy the loving banter between them over the work in the garden or what to eat for dinner.  I love when my dad calls me a few days prior to any holiday wanting advice for a special treat for my mom.  His tone and urgency for the perfect gift after all these years validates his love for her.  I love when my mom makes a remark about the silliness of men and then always ends the conversation with how lucky she is to have someone like my dad.

I love my husband, have self confidence and see hope in a lifelong union because of this beautiful relationship I got to witness all my life.  Cheers to a one-of-a-kind couple!

I love you both too much,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Best moments of the week

Most unexpected. I got to see my brothers this past weekend.
Most bizarre.  Inappropriate?!  Maybe.  I was so intrigued I had to take a picture...or 5. :)
Most adorable.  This is my sweet friend Brittany's new boy, Levi.  Love him.
Most exciting.  

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I hope it's no where I had imagined

I visited my family this past weekend and at my departure found myself refreshed.  I knew I would.  Home just does that to me. 

I had no intention of falling in love in the summer of 2008.  I began to run nearly every morning as the sun was rising through the highest trees of the greenbelts in my hometown of Kingwood.  The trees hugged the trail and the birds were the accompaniment to my dancing feet.  Silence and peace overwhelmed me from every side.  I fell in love with the beauty of nature and the sun on my face.  The run became a part of my spiritual journey and I physically felt the presence of God.   

Needless to say I was anticipating a run at home.  God met me there just as I had felt Him before and he romanced me amidst nature's sweet smells.  As soon as I stepped foot on the trail memories flooded my mind.  I passed my middle school and elementary school.  I remembered many old friends, recess, times at the creek, my first year in choir, first love, moments of great sadness and moments of extreme joy. 

My life now is nothing I had imagined then.  I love that.  God's sovereign plan gives me hope.  It motivated me to get back on the trail and reflect on the road that brought me to where I am today.  The road I've already traveled excites the journey ahead.  The unknown can be uncomfortable but the more I stay out of my comfort zone the more I let God do the planning. The more beautiful my life is becoming. There is so much sweetness in not knowing the plan for our lives.  If it's always the destination we imagine we would never feel excitement, gratitude, or experience the joy of realizing that God sees so much more in us than we see in ourselves.

I am both expecting and hoping for a new chapter in the near future.  On the last run of my trip I wondered of the next time I arrive on the trail and where I will be then.   
I hope it's no where I had imagined. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wear green on 3-17!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I don't really care about this holiday at all but I do like the color green.  Enjoy the day!

Enjoying burgers and a basket of fried goodness at Twisted Root!

Kiss me I'm Irish?!?!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Define your nothing

Spring break might be the most genius and necessary idea anyone ever thought of.  It comes at the exact point in the year when you need rest and relaxation.  Relaxation.  Relax.  This is a hard word to put into practice.  Aaron and I decided for the entirety of our spring break we would do nothing. 

I've always translated relaxing/nothing into laziness.  I'm active and always have a to-do list on my mind so naturally I feel like I'm wasting good time on the couch.

“Il bel far niente. ”  
     The beauty of doing nothing

I can watch about two tv shows and then I begin to pace around the apartment.  I must work.  I must clean.  I must organize.  I've been realizing the beauty of stillness.  I cut myself off of work at a certain time in the afternoon to allow time at home to do nothing.  I think everyone can define nothing for themselves.  My nothing is anything that will encourage self reflection and a sense of peace.  An act that eases anxiety and puts a smile on my face.  For me it's reading, enjoying an afternoon cup of coffee, or sometimes I literally do nothing.  There is balance for everything.  I cannot possibly sit at home every evening and do nothing.  But interspersed with the business of our lives we must embrace the beauty of still moments.  The Christmas season goes by in a flash, I often cannot remember what I did the weekend before, and every time I look at my legs I think, "didn't I just shave these things?!" 

We hear clearly when we aren't speaking. 
We see with more focus when we have no distractions. 
We love with strength when we have energy to spend on those we cherish.
We feel more confident when there is time for self reflection. 

I could always do more hearing, seeing, loving and feeling. 
Define your nothing and do it.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Vanilla Heaven Success!

With no major disasters, extra trips to the store, or tears I successfully made Dylan's birthday cupcakes!  I combined past experience with some tips offline to make this job enjoyable and truly easy. 

Finished product!
Here are some helpful tips for treats you can't afford to mess up on: :) 

  • Cake flour makes a difference!  Although, regular flour is a fine substitute if you don't want to spend the extra money.
  • Buttermilk in the batter is something you won't regret. :)  You could even add it to a box mix to have extra moisture and some more yum-yum in your mouth.
  • No need to buy pastry bags or pastry tips unless you think you will use them in the future.  I put the icing in a freezer bag and cut the corner to fashion a homemade bag.  Worked like a charm!
  • Plan ahead!  I did one step a day for three days.  Day 1- decorative icing Day 2- cupcakes Day 3- cupcake frosting and drop off.  So much more fun than spending hours in the kitchen in one sitting.  I would definitely be more likely to throw in the towel and go out to eat after such a long episode!
  • Lastly, don't be afraid to try anything!  Always have extra sticks of butter just in case you have around two. :)
 Aaron posing with the fresh pre-frosted cupcake and I forgot to mention the cups were footballs.
So boy! :)  He was so engrossed in his movie he wouldn't smile.
What movie captivated Aaron more than my homemade with love cupcake?

(a) Kill Bill
(b) a John Wayne western
(c) Top Gun
(d) Sleepless in Seattle....hahahhaha

If you guess right I'll be happy to make you cupcakes from the Daniel kitchen! :)

I've got great news to come in the next few weeks!  I can't wait to share.  And no, I'm not preggo so don't get excited. ;)

Much love,

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My first baking gig!

My sweet friend Renee's son is turning 7 today!  She has asked me to make cupcakes for his birthday party tomorrow.  I was excited she asked me because I LOVE to bake.  I feel adventurous and free since I'm not a pro so I don't feel pressure.  :)  Although, I am an overachiever and a perfectionist so my mind has been wandering all week about the fancy cupcakes I could make.  I decided to make it sweet but simple since this is my first "baking gig." :)
I went with this design------>
They have purple letters and yellow icing since he is a die hard LSU fan (even at the age of 7!)  They start young these days.  The icing for the letters is a swiss meringue butttercream frosting.  It's as delicious as it sounds.  Want to know why?  4 sticks of butter.

The cupcake recipe I decided to use looks divine and I can't wait to try it.  Dylan requested vanilla on vanilla but I thought I could spice it up for the adults so I'm adding buttermilk in the batter with a cream cheese frosting. Recipe found here

This is why I run people.  So I can eat anything dealing with butter and cream.
I can't wait to show you all the finished product tomorrow! 

Happy Saturday!


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kitchen Talk

You can tell a lot about a woman from the goodies in her kitchen. My whole kitchen exploits my personality. The decor, layout, contents, and most definitely the details in my fridge and cabinets. If I plan ahead, guilty pleasures, and if I experiment. It would be fun to gather different staples into columns and put everyone in a category but since we are women which makes us naturally complicated, I won't go there. :)

My kitchen dominates most of my time and is my favorite room in the apartment. I love cooking and baking. It is soothing and makes me feel confident. It extenuates the natural servant and nurturer in me where I naturally find self satisfaction. In my kitchen I am the author, planner, and performer.  All three aspirations that may only go as far as the kitchen!  I hope whatever comes out of my kitchen will satisfy a sweet tooth, brighten someone's day, or if you are my husband, bring laughter.

I like all of my great gadgets exposed. My pots and pans hang proudly, my kitchen aid mixer never leaves the counter, and even if it's not currently being used I always have a cookbook open on the counter. This may mean I like to put on a good show?!  I am a performer after all! Or it means I'm lazy and find no need to put them away after every use.   Yeah, that's it.

98% of the time I have a bag of semi-sweet morsels in the cupboard.  You just never know what the day will bring.  Ladies, it is essential that we all have a bag of morsels on hand.  It has been known to transform my whole day. :)

I currently have 4 bags of flour.  Why?!  I'm the type when the recipes calls for an ingredient I must have that exact ingredient.  No substitutes.  Now I will admit I have gotten much better about this since marrying Aaron.  This definitely relates to the "type A I have a hard time adapting to change and just stick to the rules" woman in me.

Lastly, I almost always have at least one item in my fridge that is past the expiration date. I just can't throw away food. I feel guilty and I always think of the starving children. Aaron reminds me that they couldn't eat it anyway because it's nearly rotten. This means I'm over sensitive and I have hoarding tendencies BECAUSE I'm over sensitive. I think I have every card anyone has ever given me. I cry at the sight of someone sitting alone in a restaurant or any google commercial when the dad writes a letter to his daughter. I'm over sensitive. That's all you really need to know about my rotten food.

 Thank the Lord cilantro or green onions have no feelings.  I'd be done for.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Financial Peace

Who REALLY has financial peace?!  Money is always a touchy subject.  It's one of the leading causes of divorce today.  Credit cards are so easy to accrue and student loans seem endless.  It overwhelms me to imagine our income vs. everyday costs.  Life is expensive!  So often couples enter marriage without a financial plan and doubling the income as a result of marriage gives a false sense of wealth. 
We decided to participate in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace in January and we are loving it!  We enjoyed the first year of marriage and had no financial problems other than we didn't have a plan.  We weren't thinking about kids, college, emergency funds, or retirement.  I don't regret it.  It was a blissful first year. :)
We have now established a financial plan and it has been such a burden lifted off of our shoulders.  I have learned so much in just the first month.  I do have self discipline! :)  I have realized the difference between what I really NEED and what I WANT.  There are very few things I need.  I now truly enjoy and appreciate any extra cup of coffee or a night out with the girls.  Who knew money had such a stronghold in our lives?!  We often judge others on their financial status.  Many arguments stem from money talks.  Self discipline exposes it's weakness at the sight of the "perfect" dress. 
The Lord gives us money to live.  It was never intended to initiate any anxiety, stress, or be used as a weapon.  God is honored when we hold our materials lightly.  Last week I really wanted to buy coconut oil to add to my oil collection.  I love trying different oils in the kitchen.  It was pretty expensive so I opted to wait until it fit into our grocery budget next month knowing that it was a want and not a need.  The next morning I went to put on my winter coat and found $10 cash in my pocket.  That same day I found a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble that I had planned to toss because I thought the card was empty.  I was able to buy the coconut oil and the perfect gift for my friend, Sarah's birthday that was also a bit over my budget.  I just knew in both of those moments God was blessing me.  I didn't need either of those things but he saw our hearts and knew our intention of being financially free.  We want to be free of anything that will hinder or take the place of our relationship with Him!  
