Monday, July 23, 2012

Coming Soon...Rookie Wife Wednesdays!

Welcome to my new Rookie Wife posts.

Many times we feel like we are the only ones having newly wed fits, fights or times of discouragement because no one posts on facebook, "my marriage sucks today."  I'm sort of giggling to myself trying to imagine someone actually posting that so bluntly.
PLEASE, I'm not encouraging you to spill your guts on facebook and I'm not here to spill mine.  I want this to be encouraging and relatable.  Real life.  Thoughts from a real sometimes-I-don't-like-you-but-I'll-always-love-you wife. :)

I spend a lot of time thinking, praying and talking about how to become a more servant natured, bold and loving wife.  It's an intimate relationship and it's not always easy or natural to feel servant hearted, strong or loving.

This is my attempt at being real with all of you new wifeys out there.  Some ideas to make your role as a wife fun.  You can relate, think my thoughts are only for the hopeless romantic or join me in living intentionally to do your part in maintaining a joyful marriage.

Four things to keep in mind if you want to follow this Rookie Wife.

I am a rookie aka novice, beginner, etc.  I've been married for a little over 2 years and this is only my experience. I do not know everything (eh hem...anything).  I welcome input from veterans along the way! :)

Please allow me to change my mind!  I so often feel strongly one way and find through experience I was wrong.  I am laying my pride down now and warning you that I may come back and change my fickle mind.  Be gracious! :)

I love my groom.  No family or friend should be seriously concerned! tehe
I want any woman to relate with occasional feelings of insecurity, doubt or even discouragement, newly wed or veteran!

Before I was married I heard this saying and I say it to myself once everyday.
"It is my job to love my husband. It is God's job to make him a good man."

This is all pointed toward the ladies which means it's one sided.  We can only fashion ourselves. Remember the mantra?! :) Personal reflection will make marriage more enjoyable for you and by God's grace will create a more intimate union between you and your man.  We want to exaggerate the awesome woman that he fell in love with in the first place. :)

I'm excited to share thoughts, ramblings and possibly deliver some laughs. :)

See you Wednesday!


  1. Nicole, this is great! One of the things I love about you is that you're so real. I'm so lucky to have an open, honest friend like you. You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned that people only post the positive things on fb. I read something on pinterest the other day that said something to the effect of, "We feel we're not good enough because we compare who we really are with the outward appearance of everyone else". I'm paraphrasing, of course, but basically we think everyone else has it all together because we see them from the outside. Then we compare ourselves to that, which will never be as good, because we know our weaknesses. It's good to keep that in mind. It's important to be real, even if it means showing others our imperfect side! I love my husband, too, but we're both humans with our own set of imperfections, which makes for an imperfect marriage. I think the best thing to do is just to recognize that and always strive to understand each other better and to learn and grow!

  2. I love this! I can't wait to see what comes next!!

  3. This is is so great, Nicole! I love, love, love your heart!!
