Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rookie Wife {I love you, you're perfect, now change}

Admittedly these thoughts have crossed my mind:
"I'm so good for him."
"I'm going to really help in _______ area of his life."
"He'll see __________ in me and will want to do better at ___________."
Don't we all love to hear, "He has changed so much since you two got together."

OR better yet:
"Once we get married _____________ will be easier."(My favorite insert here is communication.  It really makes me laugh.)
"Over time ___________ will get better."

Yes, clearly I think I'm awesome.
Thank you Lord for grace because I realize daily I'm not even close.

All of these thoughts pointed to one idea: so often we as women have the savior syndrome.  We feel like we can make things better.  Most of us hold a natural urge to nurture and an intuitive teacher spirit.  We turn into Mrs. Fix-it in the relationship department.  This is often why women stay with the wrong men too long.  We are insistent we are good for them.  If we change the circumstances things will quickly get better.  We can inspire, influence or change them.

Many brides go into marriage with a few conscious or subconscious ideas of some changes they want to see either in their grooms or in their marriage.  Of course, marriage is a growing relationship.  You will grow and learn together but expecting a quick change in character or a foundation issue will be disappointing.  It takes time.  Realistically, it may be something that will never change.

"I'm going to really help in the financial area of his life."
"He'll see my love for my family and will want to do better at loving his family."
"Once we get married communication will be easier." (I'm guilty!)
"Over time the drinking will get better."

What are some character traits or issues that you have held onto in your mind expecting a change??
Is it a difference in him or your own self reflection that is most needed to make things better?! 

Have you had an issue that you expected to get better over time but didn't?
Is it an issue worth talking through with your man??

It may be an issue God is working on in his heart and you are meant to stand by his side as a supportive rookie wife. :) Just sayin'.

If it's not an issue you feel like you need to deal with in this season of your lives consider letting them go.

I have seen many amazing aspects in my husband and our relationship that have grown since being married.  Guess what?! I'm really not solely responsible for any of them. Or if I was, it was all unintentional by God's work in my own heart.  Okay, so maybe I am good for him.  Maybe some acts I do affect him, inspire him or occasionally change him.  Remember Rookie Wife's mantra. My job is to love my husband. It is God's job to make him a better man.
Mr. D!  What I wouldn't do for this man!!

We couldn't live without them, ladies!

1 comment:

  1. Truer words were never spoken!

    I have noticed in the last 5 years how stubborn I have been in regards to the way I viewed my marriage and my husband. It has only been in the last year or so that I made that conscious decision to look inward and see what brand of crazy I was bringing to the mix.

    It took that realization and a huge test of patience and now I feel like my husband and I are in a much better place!

    Are you sure you are a rookie wife? ;o)
