Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Rookie Wife {Girlfriends}

 "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God." Ruth 1:16

This verse is most commonly used in wedding ceremonies and permanently etched in wedding bands. The commitment and trust embedded in the words are more than beautiful. 
Would you be surprised to know this was spoken from a woman to a woman?!

The realization that this statement of love was exchanged between women intertwined with the simplistic beauty of the text spoke to me. It suddenly redefined the word friendship.

I recently heard a radio interview with a woman who wrote a book on women and their friendships. According to research, there is an increase in depression in women and this author's platform argued that the rise in depression could be related to the deterioration in relationships between women.
I would most definitely agree.

Back in the day women did much more together than we do today. They cooked, cleaned, delivered each other babies, mentored each other and even raised each others kids. Our culture has evolved in many positive ways that doesn't have us rely on eachother in such a heavy way. Although, maybe needing other women maintains and satisfies certain needs where we are constantly feeling empty.

The business and mobility of our culture lessens our need for women.
Unfortunately, business and mobility doesn't change the emotional needs of women. We are still the same women who need other women. 

A woman and her friendships are crucial. Our husbands were never meant to fully satisfy our emotional needs. They satisfy needs yes, but there are certain emotional qualities that only other women can empathize.

When I say friendship I mean those who will speak to you honestly in love. Girls who you trust with your intimate thoughts regarding spirituality, personal and relational issues. Those who will keep you accountable but show you grace. Those who exaggerate your unique personality and inspire you.

Would you say this to those you consider your very best friends?!
"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God." Ruth 1:16

You should be as picky at choosing your friends as you were at picking your husband.

Great girlfriends can truly enhance your marriage.  They can give perspective, show empathy and relate in a way that really your husband just wasn't built for. The shopping, margarita madness and movie nights with your girls without a doubt are soothing for the soul. :) Adventures are so much sweeter shared with women who you love and cherish.
Hollaaa to Pam. She's one of my best friends in spite of being in a different country. :)

Shout out to my best friends. I love you all. You encourage me in my marriage, exaggerate my personality and inspire me to live out loud no matter the distance between us.


1 comment:

  1. This one has great timing for me! We want to enjoy each other in our marriage yet still maintain our individuality and spend time with friends who build us up. I hope we can do this with y'all more both with the guys and without. Thank you for your encouragement! I will be holding onto it tightly the next few days.
    - Amanda
